I've just posted a new article dealing with Mars Express images under the "Deleted Sections" area of Dark Mission.net. The link is here: http://www.darkmission.net/marsexpress-1.htm.
I hope you enjoy it.
A Forum Dedicated to Discussion of the New York Times Bestseller "Dark Mission - The Secret History of NASA" by Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara
AWESOME put together of the data and explanations and true ANOMALASTIC science blowing the NASA/JPL/et al...crowd's erosion theories so out of orbit that I belive that if enough people FINALLY open their ask and ask NASA et al some HONEST and BRUTAL TRUTH questions about WHY they have been giving the Ares Face a political hack job since since Tobias Owen first looked and said WOW and handed the Viking HEAD off the Gerry Soffen and it went all south and downhill from there.
Vince Dipietro and Greg Molenar are the TRUE heroes of rescusing this data from oblivian and putting it back onto the table and into the larger human consciousness and have broken through the NASA hijinks about the feature, the unfortunately continue here more than 3 decades later.
It is PAST time to for NASA to come clean with the BRUTAL TRUTH of Cydonia. PERIOD.
If not...the I encourgae Dr. Neukum to break ranks and PUBLISH not only the HONEST images you already have...but come forth in PUBILC in words, voice, and images and state emphatically...it IS a FACE, in Cydonia and on Mars.
Phil Plait in his "Bad Astronomer" blog has commented on this site (actually, on only one picture).
I just thought you should see it, to have an opportunity to respond.
Well, yes. And he has a tendency to think mockery is a cogent argument. But I was hoping for better from you.
well, all that Mike said it's true, but I don't know if it's the xmas spirit that invaded NASA in the last few days, but the last colour images of MRO are amazing ... apart from being upside down ... take a look at http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/PSP_003234_2210
Why is everyone focusing on NASA? NASA is an AGENCY of the STATE! The STATE is in charge of information dissemination. PERIOD! How hard is that to understand?
Will we be forever dependent on outside sources for “real” data on Cydonia, or will NASA and JPL ever give us the clean, straight up ground truth on Cydonia?
(from the "deleted article")
I am assuming this question is rhetorical.
ppffffffffftttt. When pigs fly, guys. It's going to be up to you to keep the debate alive.
Anybody notice on Enterprise mission how Hoagland made another confident prediction about the space shuttle:
"Based on the SCIENCE underlying the Soviet torsion investigations and our own, parallel work, I can predict with some confidence -- along with Wayne Hale's totally separate, more "empirical" comments, made at Saturday’s NASA shuttle briefing -- that "Sunday’s launch attempt will encounter NO anomalous ECO sensor readings," either before the launch ... or after. "HOW" that prediction can be made scientifically -- BEFORE the fact -- will be the subject of the impending Enterprise “torsion” publication ...."
and then 24 hours, explain why the FAILURE of his prediction is further PROOF that his theories are correct? Isn't that nice?
Is Plait correct in writing that the "glass" feature superimposed on the photograph of Al Bean is actually a reflection of the Hasselblad iris? It does seem a more probable explanation than the one you offer. Was Bean equipped with some type of glass-cutting tool so he could escape from this structure?
Isn't Plait saying that the captioning of this image on the website was ambiguous, and he's willing to accept the correction based on material in the book that wasn't available when he made the criticism? He seems willing to back off on honest misunderstandings. Mike, you ought to take a lesson.
I have no idea if Plait has backed off what he said. I have no intention of ever going to his idiotic web page ever again.
Hopefully, fate will allow me to keep that vow, but sometimes you have to defend yourself when others are lying about you and your work.
Right Jim?
Mike: "...sometimes you have to defend yourself when others are lying about you and your work. Right Jim?"
Absolutely. You defend yourself with truth and counter-arguments, not nasty accusations and smears.
You still insisting that I was a colleague of Johnston's at the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston and knew that all his credential-claims were accurate?
You ever going to provide any evidence for that? Surprise us!
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